As your career progresses, your investments and financial circumstances will become more complicated and there are likely to be competing demands on your time and resources.
Ensuring that your finances are organised and that your objectives and priorities are clearly defined will allow you to remain in control.
If you are married and have a young family or are planning to have children, now is an important time to make sure your spouse and dependents are provided for if you become ill or die.
You may have accumulated some savings or invested into a pension, but are unsure whether what you have is suitable or if you are saving enough for the future. It may be the case that you are considering buying a house for the first time or if you already have a mortgage, whether you should review it.

“Our friendly team are always available with advice and support whenever you need us.”
Sarah Edwards,
How we can help
Your mortgage is likely to be your biggest financial commitment and we are able to review your existing arrangement to ensure it is competitive. We can also make sure that you have adequate life cover in the event that you or your partner were to die.
There are a number of choices for protecting your income if you were to become ill, from policies which pay a proportion of your salary as a regular monthly benefit to those which provide a lump sum if you were to be diagnosed with a critical illness. You may also wish to consider private medical insurance to ensure speedy treatment when needed.
Our service will help to make sense of your existing investments and give structure to your longer term goals. We can assist with planning around pensions and other forms of tax efficient savings.
Things to consider
- Buying your first home or reviewing existing mortgage arrangements
- Providing a lump sum to your dependents on death
- Protecting your income if you were to suffer an illness or injury
- Reviewing and consolidating any existing investments
- Making use of tax allowances
- Planning longer term investments
Why Us
At Bailey Financial Services, we believe the following reasons help to explain why our clients choose to work with us rather than our competitors.
- Proven success
- Personalised service
- Truly independent advice
- Flexible fee structure
Why should you choose Bailey Financial Services?